I am going to try and get a unit complete by the end of the month:
Some Devastators!
And, in preperation for the next 6 months of the project, I'm going to repurpose some old mini's, which means...
Or in this case old Emperor's Children vehicles.
I went to a tournament a few years ago, based around the Horus Heresy, tons of fun, and I put together an EC army for the occasion. This was also before Forge World had pumped out all there stuff...
Anyways on to the stripping...
You need:
Some models to strip and some chemicals.
I like to use this stuff:
Simple green.
I also like to spice up the process, with a little of this:
I am lucky enough to live in a country that has both available, either one on their own will work just as well.
Next is a simple process of popping them in a plastic container:
Bye, bye, Land Raider and Rhino!
And filling up the container with the simple green and adding in a dash of the dettol:
And then you wait.....The chemical is actually deep enough to submerge them, they just want to float to the top.
I'll turn them a couple of times until I'm ready to paint them. I have an old toothbrush that I use to clean away the paint and it should bring it back to the original primer. It will take a little while to strip probably a few weeks, but I'm in no hurry and these will probably sit for the next couple of months at least.
I tend to use GW black for most of my stuff and that tends to stick, really, really well...
All gone well it should end up looking something like this:
An old EC Vindicator, no longer purple.
It's still a little wet from being washed under the tap and stuff, but once it's dry it should be good to go...
And there you have it, stripping, it works on Resin and Metal miniatures as well...
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